2016 Retire Overseas Bootcamp Recordings

In the Right Spots Overseas, as Little as $1,485 a
Month Can Bankroll a Good Life… Which Means You Can
Retire Comfortably on a Social Security Check Alone

Let us pinpoint for you the communities that would suit you
best and hand you a personalized blueprint for getting there.

Dear International Living Reader,

Retire sooner. Spend less. Live better. That’s the end goal.

And there’s no question: You can do it.

You can do it in all sorts of beautiful, welcoming, good-weather communities that dot the globe from Latin America to Southeast Asia to Europe.

Laid-back beach escapes. Quiet mountain getaways. University Towns. Even cosmopolitan cities.

In the right communities, you really can live a richer, more engaging life than you do today… but spend as little as $1,485 a month to do it (housing included).

In other words: Get the destination right, and you could live well on your Social Security income alone.

Of course, you could spend more if you like… and enjoy a genuinely luxurious lifestyle.

On a budget of $2,500 to $3,600 a month, a couple can live extremely well in many places, and afford the sort of comforts only the very wealthy can bankroll at home—perks like a housekeeper to cook and clean every day or a home with a pool and a gardener to maintain the grounds…

The point is, no matter what your budget, in the best-value destinations around the world, your dollars really stretch. And that means you have great options for improving your lifestyle while you trim your spending…

Access your 2016 Retire Overseas Bootcamp Recordings Package Here