Last Word: The Truth About Entrepreneurship Abroad

Last Word: The Truth About Entrepreneurship Abroad

The young lady came out of the bar with three mugs of dark beer. She put one in front of IL Real Estate Editor Ronan McMahon, one was for Eoin Bassett—managing editor of this magazine—and one was mine. Ronan ordered a sizzling burger… which the owner assured us was the city’s best. We were discussing our day spent exploring Medellín, Colombia, and how we were going to write about our various discoveries. Within a half-hour, a few expats joined us -- Rich, Sarah, Scott, and Dennis. Each has a fascinating story.

A Victim of My Own Analysis

A Victim of My Own Analysis

International Living’s Retirement Index always brings back fond memories of my own analysis that preceded my first move abroad. My means of choosing a country back then was simple. I only studied the categories on the Index that were important to me and threw out the countries that didn’t score well in those areas. Cost of living was high on my list…as were climate and real estate. I didn’t particularly care about the ratings for political stability, or the ability to get half-price movie tickets.