Can an American Get a Passport from Panama?

Karen O. Says:

Can an American also get a passport from Panama?


IL Panama Correspondent Jessica Ramesch Says:

Hi Karen,

Getting a Panamanian passport is possible, but for most expats living here it’s not necessary or desirable. Mostly due to the difficulty of the process and its requirements.

Most North American retirees live here as permanent residents and do not feel the need to become citizens. Many travel back and forth between the U.S. and Panama with their U.S. passports and Panama residence cards.

Citizenship can take as long as 10 years to obtain, and has a lot of requirements, including learning enough Spanish to pass a test on Panamanian history.

Another factor to consider is that only Panamanian citizens by birth have the right to hold dual citizenship. To apply for citizenship, you must sign an affidavit stating you will renounce your existing citizenship.

However, it’s worth noting that when a foreign citizen is naturalized as a Panamanian citizen, government officials do not ask the person to surrender their non-Panama passport, nor do they notify the person’s home government.

In short, obtaining a passport from Panama is an option, but only for people with strong, long-term designs on Panama.

If you have any questions, just get in touch with a Panama attorney specializing in immigration. Here’s the contact information for the Panamanian firm that presents at IL conferences:

Rainelda Mata-Kelly

Mata-Kelly & Partners

Local tel: +(507) 216-9299

From the U.S./Canada: (011 507) 216-9299

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