Your Little Piece of Paradise: The Best Place in the World to Live or Retire Today

Your Little Piece of Paradise: The Best Place in the World to Live or Retire Today

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October 9, 2009

Cuenca was my first choice as a retirement destination when I retired at age 49. I lived there full-time for almost six years. And since first settling there in 2001, I’ve traveled to just about every country in Latin America; and gotten to know most of them quite well. I’ve seen the best of what the region has to offer, yet my opinion of Cuenca hasn’t changed.

The No-Savings Retirement Plan

The No-Savings Retirement Plan

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August 24, 2009

Thousands of Americans are now retiring luxuriously... even though they didn't save 'enough' during their working years. They are using a Retirement Plan that Fortune Magazine says is "a way to double your retirement dollar... trade up to a larger house, get a pool, hire servants—and guarantee visits from your kids." Here's how you can participate...

Live Overseas Reports

Live Overseas Reports

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July 15, 2009

You can have the most fun that you’ve ever had, while you enrich and improve your life, make friends, lose weight, and see the world. All you have to do is leave your friends behind and go get some new ones. Look at it as globalizing your personal network.