Work ‘Til You Drop? Not in Panama

Work ‘Til You Drop? Not in Panama

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January 1, 2012

Fast-Track Panama: Lifestyle & Opportunity Conference
April 4-6, 2013 - Panama City, Panama

As quality of life (worsened by crumbling economies) deteriorates elsewhere in the world, Panama looks better and better…Nowhere else can you enjoy such a comfortable life…with near-perfect year-round weather, excellent medical care, fresh, healthy food straight from the farmer’s truck…and a retirement incentive program that’s truly welcoming of expats…Discover if Panama is for you .

Find out more and register here.

Buy Land – Two Great Profit-Making Opportunities

Buy Land – Two Great Profit-Making Opportunities

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December 16, 2011

Every so often we run into amazing opportunities…specific ways to make smarter investments... slash your taxes...and keep your financial affairs private. IL Real Estate Expert, Ronan McMahon, has just submitted a special report revealing one of the safest ways to grow or preserve your nest egg. In this Quarterly Wealth Advisory Ronan reveals details of two special opportunities to make money from land. We hope it helps you preserve and grow your wealth.

Mexico – Six Most Liveable Cities 2011

Mexico – Six Most Liveable Cities 2011

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December 11, 2011

Mexico is full of very livable cities. Over the years, we at International Living have visited—and rated—scores of cities across the length and breadth of Mexico…and we’re working on visiting the rest. Out of them all, International Living has selected six that we think stand out as the most livable cities in the country. Some of the six have large, well-established expat communities, and this is usually part of their appeal. Others have hardly any expats at all, but are rated highly by Mexicans themselves for their high quality of life—and that’s part of their appeal.

For One Member Only: A Strong Yield Situation in Brazil

For One Member Only: A Strong Yield Situation in Brazil

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December 2, 2011

Joao Pessoa, in Brazil’s northeast, is surrounded by miles of beautiful beaches. The weather’s warm and sunny year-round. Roughly 75 miles from Recife and 110 miles from Natal, the city is the third oldest in Brazil. This is where many Brazilians retire (young), vacation and buy second homes. In particular, the city is popular as a retirement destination for senior civil servants. They retire early from their government jobs. Active and healthy, they relocate here to start the next phase of their life. That’s good news for the businesses of Joao Pessoa. As more of these wealthy young retirees move here, the city’s businesses have more customers. There’s more demand for services—like dentists and cardiologists and financial planners. Times are good if you own quality office space here.

Next Stop Panama: How to Rescue Your Retirement in the “New Florida”

Next Stop Panama: How to Rescue Your Retirement in the “New Florida”

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November 30, 2011

This report will show you where in Panama you'll find the best values and how to access affordable healthcare and low-tax visas… point you to money-making opportunities we see on the ground… and give you the details for our key contacts, too, so you have the trusted resources you need to begin living better for less in Panama. Read on for more information.

Easy, Fun, Portable Ways to Get Paid Overseas

Easy, Fun, Portable Ways to Get Paid Overseas

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November 30, 2011

There are lots of ways to get paychecks abroad… so you can live anywhere or travel anytime. You don't need special qualifications. You don't ever have to punch a time clock. If you're looking for a portable income – whether to fund your life or just add "pocket money" to your retirement nest egg – this volume can show you the way. And it'll introduce you to all sorts of folks already doing it, in Panama and beyond. Read on for more.

The Most Affordable Deal on the Pacific Coast Right Now

The Most Affordable Deal on the Pacific Coast Right Now

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October 21, 2011

Ecuador’s nicest stretch of coast is now accessible. Buying here can position you ahead of the Path of Progress. It’s here, in the nicest part of this 100-kilometer stretch of Pacific Coast, in a “best in class” project, that we can buy a lot from $30,000. This is an “off market” deal—30 lots at Jama Campay are only available to members of Real Estate Trend Alert.

The Back Door to Paradise Collection

The Back Door to Paradise Collection

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October 13, 2011

If you’ve ever dreamt of living overseas…of enjoying a better lifestyle… and of enjoying it all while spending less money than you do right now…then you owe it to yourself to take a look at this collection of secrets designed to hand you the good life overseas faster and cheaper than you ever dreamed possible. This way, you can start enjoying the same dream lifestyle so many other International Living readers already enjoy. Our team has picked up some valuable tips, tricks, and secrets that we have persuaded them to share in this collection of 10 reports, The Backdoor to Paradise Collection.

A One-Stop Guide to Invest, Retire and Live the Good Life in Colombia

A One-Stop Guide to Invest, Retire and Live the Good Life in Colombia

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September 28, 2011

A One-Stop Guide to Invest, Retire and Live the Good Life in Colombia can help you discover safe and sophisticated Medellin…and all the other opportunities that await you in Colombia. This in-depth resource contains vital information, contacts, and insider tips that would take months and hundreds of dollars to discover on your own. Everything you need to know about moving to or finding opportunity in Colombia is in this very special report.