They Did It! Real-World Stories from People Who Cut Their Health Care Costs Overseas

They Did It! Real-World Stories from People Who Cut Their Health Care Costs Overseas

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November 25, 2010

Can moving somewhere really make you look and feel younger…the answer is an unequivocal YES. Want proof? In this report, we have gathered together the stories of some of our readers who will attest to this. In their own words, they describe their new lives overseas…how they are happier and healthier than ever before (one couple actually lowered their blood pressure just by living in Panama). They are all living in places where there is a top-quality (and low-cost) health care system, where their quality of life is higher than it was when they lived in the U.S. and where they are generally just healthier and happier.

Two Important Stories About Brazilian Land

Two Important Stories About Brazilian Land

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November 19, 2010

Brazil is fast becoming the bread basket of the world—it's the largest exporter of coffee, soy, orange juice, beef, chicken, sugar and ethanol. The cerrados, Brazil's high plains, cover 500 million acres. The USDA has estimated that 400 million acres of this could be opened for crop production. The area yet to be opened for agricultural production is 25% larger that the total crop acreage of the U.S.

Watch This…

Watch This…

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November 5, 2010

There's a lot going on in the world of real estate opportunities right now…too much to fit in my regular weekly alerts. That's why I've made a brief video report alerting you to important updates on Mexico's Caribbean coast…the island of Roatan…Fortaleza's next big thing…Ecuador's north coast…and more.

Buy Farmland and Grow Rich

Buy Farmland and Grow Rich

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October 22, 2010

In today's Alert, I'm going to show you three ways to make money from farmland in an investor-friendly country. The case for investing in agriculture and food is pretty straightforward. Increasing populations and wealth in emerging economies is the primary driver. As people in these economies become richer they eat more food—and more meat.

How to Retire in Paradise on $30 a Day

How to Retire in Paradise on $30 a Day

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October 19, 2010

Imagine lounging on your deck, a cocktail in hand, the quiet turquoise waters of the Caribbean spread out before you. Or picture yourself relaxing in a flower-filled courtyard where lavender bougainvillea tumbles over stucco walls, while the sweet perfume of frangipani fills the air at dusk. Whatever you imagine, here’s a guarantee: In the world’s best havens, the dream can be yours and for less than you can possibly imagine. This report shows you where you can retire in luxury on $30 a day.