Do I Have to Sign Up for the Public Health System in Costa Rica?

Alan O. Says:

Do I have to sign up for the public health system in Costa Rica? I have private insurance that covers me and my family overseas. Is there a residency option where I can opt out of the national health care system fees? 

IL Costa Rica Correspondent Bekah Bottone Says:

Hi Alan,

It is mandatory for residents in Costa Rica to pay into the Caja public health system. 

However, the cost is not steep—a small monthly fee based on approximately 6% to 11% of your monthly income. A spouse is considered a dependent and is covered under that monthly fee.

In exchange you get access to 29 public hospitals, 250 clinics, and unlimited treatment— including everything from check-ups to prescription drugs to major surgeries.

You may find that it costs less than your private insurance, especially when you take into account things like excess.

However, if you really wish to opt out of joining the Caja, but still be a resident in Costa Rica, you may want to consider the Digital Nomad Visa.

This visa is aimed at those who plan to spend a year or two in the country and work remotely. As holders of this visa can only stay a maximum of two years, there is no requirement to join the Caja.

However, if you do wish to stay in Costa Rica after your two years are up, you will need a different visa type.

You can learn more about your various visa options on the IL website’s dedicated resource page.

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