Do I Need to Bribe Traffic Cops in Panama?

Antonio M. Says:

Do I need to worry about bribing traffic cops in Panama?


IL Panama Editor Jessica Ramesch Writes:

We all know corruption exists in every country. In Latin America it can seem more visible.

You’ll hear Panamanians discuss bribing traffic police— most often to avoid a well-deserved ticket—as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Lately, however, one hears stories about police who are offended by this, so exercise caution.

Bottom line: Most long-time expats here agree: You do not have to offer bribes to anyone.

I have never been stopped by traffic police without cause. And in my personal experience, being humble or contrite is usually enough to be let off with a warning.

The most common infractions, by the way, are texting/talking on your cellphone while driving and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. So don’t do either.

Learn more about how things are done in Panama here.

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