A place to live in Montacito.

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    Hello and thanks in advance for any help!!! I would like to move to Montacito. #1-Where should I fly in to? And then how do I get to Montacito? How far is it?…fro the airport I mean. And then I’d like to move in to an apartment right away if anyone knows of something. I am by myself and don’t need much. Even an inexpensive hotel might work because it would have internet etc. I am on Social Security so my budget is very low. I could spend around $400.00/mo. Whenever I have moved to a foreign country it seems I find something really inexpensive when you are already there so that is why I ask all of you experienced people. I think that is my main concern right now. Once I find out the answer to this, I can begin all the fun questions. 🙂 I would like to leave The SF Bay Area to Equador the very beginning of November. I am working on an espionage trilogy and it looks like the perfect place to chill out, have fun and work on my books. Again, thanks for any help. If I could arrive there with a place already in order, I would feel so much better. Is it possible to answer by e-mail? If so…ssdigbity@gmail.com

    My best wishes,

    Brian h.Carpeneter


    Hi Brian, I’m afraid I don’t know of any place called Montacito in Ecuador. Do you mean Manta or perhaps Montanita? Or maybe even Montecristo? Let us know and we can help you!

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