Clothing to pack ?

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    Hi all

    I have what is probably a silly question. I will be visiting the Galapagos in a few days and then I will be travelling and staying in Cuenca for 17 days until 20 October and am wondering what kind of clothing I need to bring (weather / temperature wise I mean) …. I read the weather forecasts but I’m afraid I must be a bit of a dinosaur because seeing a number centigrade or farenheit doesn’t really work for me and I’m still left unsure lol

    Thanks for any help

    Sharon – who should already be packing …. whoops !


    Sharon, you will be able to do laundry so do not overpack — best advice ever. And you can layer in Cuenca and buy an inexpensive alpaca sweater or scarf.

    Here is an easy way to convert C to F: C to F: Multiply the C temperature by 2 and then add 30.

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