Difference between Panama Insider info and "Escape to Panama book" ?

Homepage Forums Panama Insider Difference between Panama Insider info and "Escape to Panama book" ?

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    Hello- Curious as to the difference between the “Escape to Panama ” book and this website as in information provided about moving to Panama. The book sounds great but don’t need to replicate if not necessary.

    Thank you very much

    Christopher Howard


    Interesting, I was just looking for the answer to this same question. Thanks


    Dear Christopher and Lee,

    Good question.

    First some helpful clarification: We endeavor to ensure that these two products, the Escape to Panama e-book and this, your Panama Insider website, contain the most detailed information on Panama that International Living offers. That is, information on lifestyles and the feel of a place and nuts and bolt information on things like the real estate purchasing process, setting up a business, networking, and more. In this they are similar to each other and different from other publications such as our free articles, which are much shorter and thus less detailed, and which are focused on giving a feel for a place (as an introduction, for readers who are new to the idea of international living) rather than the dry details on taxes and immigration that become important to seasoned readers who are further along or, shall we say, closer to making a firm decision.

    So, to answer your question, the difference between our two most detailed publications is that the Panama Insider website is interactive and easier to update often (for example, via posts on the Forum and monthly missives sent to members via email). Escape to Panama, on the other hand, appeals more to those who wish to have a compilation of our best Panama information for that year (it is updated every year without fail) and who find a more interactive format confusing or otherwise less desirable. If you are already a Panama Insider member and if the format and updates suit you, there is no reason to “double up” by purchasing Escape to Panama.

    I hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to post additional questions.


    Jessica Ramesch
    Panama Editor
    International Living

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