Goldilocks – What location is "just right"?

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    I feel like Goldilocks – and I hope the following doesn’t sound too much like people who can never be satisfied. We are looking for “our ideal” location. Not too hot, not too cold, and with enough of an “expat infrastructure/nucleus” so it would have a number of nice restaurants, shops, services, and, hopefully, similar-minded people. Easier than harder access would be a bonus. Does such a place exist in Ecuador? We’ve been to parts of Ecuador and nothing seemed to quite fit. Until convinced otherwise, we aren’t yet ready to compromise too much in what we’re looking for.

    Our “ideal” temperature would be average daytime highs each month of around 24-26 C (75-79 F), with overnight temps averaging between 12-18 C (54-64 F). Of course, a little variance is okay (if it varied from our targets, we would be happier going a little chillier overnight as opposed to cooler during the day). Living in the town/city would be fine, as would living up to a 15 or so minute drive from town. We have some larger dogs so would like a yard/lot/building area with a little more, than less, space.

    Now the thumbnail evaluation of our view of the places we went in Ecuador (not including the Galapagos):
    Cuenca – too chilly; Quito too big, grey, and chilly, Loja not enough nucleus/ex-pat services; Vilcabamba too small and some access issues; Manta to Pedernales not enough of an ex-pat nucleus and likely too hot; southern coast likely too hot. Cotachachi looked just about right but seems as though it might be a touch too chilly (8000 ft, close to Cuenca’s 8500 ft). Is there a place close by that is slightly warmer?

    While we found some of these places very lovely, with many great features, in total, they weren’t quite what we were after. It seems like our search is narrowing to a place around 5000 ft. or so in elevation and a population of at least 8-10K.

    There very well might be some areas we didn’t get to that would be a good fit. Perhaps there is something around Cuenca at a slightly lower elevation that would work. We saw a couple of fairly dense, high-end developments just outside of Cuenca but they were a little far with not really enough space. We didn’t drive between Quito and Cuenca, or from Cuenca to the coast.

    When I write it down, it sounds as we’re probably being too picky. Given our travels to date, the ideal place would be a blend of the climate/accessibility of Antigua, Guatemala, and the ex-pat “vibe” and level of development of Granada, Nicaragua. Montevideo wasn’t that far off (having access and climate as issues). We hold some hope Ecuador might meld these features the best – but where? Your views would be appreciated. Greg


    HI Greg, it sounds like you’ve checked out all the likely suspects. And those places you mention are the most advanced expat destinations in Ecuador to date. The only places it seems you haven’t explored are Salinas and Banos. Salinas has a fairly well organized expat community, but it may not be enough for you. I am personally interested in exploring Banos (2.5 hours southeast of Quito and at a much lower elevation… I loved my previous visits there and I know there are expats living there, but again, I don’t think it will quite fit your bill as far as a large enough cultural or social environment.

    I wish the perfect place were out there. If so, I’d be there myself. 🙂


    The perfect place is…….. within 🙂


    Greg, Kudos, it seems like you covered all the likely suspects as Susan suggested. Was attention paid to the time of the year you did all that exploration? Wouldn’t that have played a large part in the temperatures you’re looking for? Good luck in your search.


    Temperatures don’t vary much in Ecuador, Frank. We have wet season and dry season – -and both are lovely in their own way, in my opinion. The hottest, most humid time along the coast in Nov. to April if that helps… Of all the “expat destinations,” Vilcabamba may have the absolute best weather, but as Greg mentioned, it may be too small for some…


    Google brought up 5 different sites for Vilcabamba. Is the Vilcabamba you’re mentioning, about 20 km south of Loja? Would there be B & B type rentals there, for 3 or 4 days?


    Hi Edward, yes Vilcabamba is south of Loja and there are many B&Bs there. One I like is

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