Introduce Yourself!

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  • #658516

    Hi everyone!

    My name is John Michael Arthur but everyone here in Costa Rica calls me Juan Miguel.

    We’ve been living here full-time for 2 1/2 years now (3 years part-time before that.) We just love it.
    We moved to the mountains of Costa Rica for several reasons. We were ready to leave the heat of Texas. We were fed up with the rat race we lived in the States. We were tired of “keeping up with the Joneses.” And we were disillusioned with the political environment. Plus, we were ready for some adventure!

    What about you?


    We currently live in New Mexico, but are considering a move to Costa Rica. I recently retired. We had visited both Panama and Costa Rica and found the people in Costa Rica much more friendly and the climate more to our liking (exploring the Central Valley of Atenas, Grecia and San Ramon). Our major stumbling block is selling the house here. The market is not good yet and we’ve got a very large parcel of property with a house and barn (the mortgage is our largest expense and we hope to eliminate that with the move to CR). Hopefully the right person will come along.


    Good luck with that Doug! We love it here.

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