legal assistance in panama

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    Hi Jessica and happy holidays;

    Several members of our family are investing in a mango project in Penonome, and some of those are looking into the Specific Countries permanent residency program. Hence our need for ongoing legal counsel. We contacted a Panamanian legal firm that IL has recommended, but we prefer to establish a more personal relationship, and work with the same lawyer each time. Do you have a recommendation for either an indivudual (or very small firm) who can help us with both contract/investment needs, and also isknowlegable about the Specific Nations residency program.

    I also wonder if any of the readers could make any recommendations from their personal experiences.

    Much appreciation

    Phil Mischenko


    Hi there Phil!
    Thanks for posting. Have you indicated to the Mata Kelly firm that this is what you want? I would imagine they would be accommodating. And they do specialize in immigration so would have a handle on the Friends of Panama visa and others. They also do corporations etc. That’s the only firm I have any experience with so I’m unable to make a recommendation, but I hope our other readers will chime in. Good luck with what sounds like it might be a very interesting project! It pains me to see supermarkets selling mangos from other countries when Panama is full of mangos (my last house had three mango trees…we couldn’t eat them fast enough). I would love to see local mangos on my supermarket shelves.
    Jessica Ramesch
    IL Panama Editor


    Hi Jessica;

    Thanks for the reply I agree about the local growing of agriculture, and this project is so positive for Panama in so many ways. I was there in September and will return in March to see the progress.

    I have heard Raineda Mata Kelly speak, and she is very likeable, articulate and knowledgeable. However my personal preferences are to establish a more personal relationship with an individual or small firm So I’m hoping some of the readers might be able to offer some suggestions from their experiences.

    Hope your holidays are great

    Phil Mischenko


    Thanks Phil and please keep us abreast of the mango project, I’m sure we’d all be interested to hear little updates as appropriate! If you don’t get any useable recommendations from our fellow forum users, you may want to check with the American Chamber of Commerce in Panama or the US Embassy in Panama, sometimes they post recommendations on their websites and/or are willing to send via email.




    We are purchasing a teak parcel and pursuing the Specific Countries permanent residency program also. We are working with Yolany Alvarado, but I don’t know how large the firm is. We met her at a conference we attended. We don’t speak Spanish (yet!), but thankfully her English is very good. Most of her work is with expats.

    We just started the process about a month ago, so we are not very far ahead of you. I am going to Panama in March to open our bank account and will return again in April, with my husband, so we can have our physicals and meet with the immigration officials.



    Thanks so much for your reply Cathy! Let us know how the process goes if you get a chance…and once it is over if you’re happy with the service.





    I just noticed your post Thank you so much for your response and info. Along with my wife, and 1 of my daughters, I too will be in Panama in March, (from 3/16 to 3/24). Sounds like we might be on a similar journey/agenda

    Wish you well with your trip and investment and please continue to post.


    Phil Mischenko

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