Looking for contact with Australian expats in Costa Rica

Homepage Forums Costa Rica Insider Forum Looking for contact with Australian expats in Costa Rica

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    My husband & I are Canadian born, but are Australian citizens for the last 16 years. We plan to retire within a year and are seriously looking at Costa Rica. We’d love to hear from any Australian expats who have made the move to Costa Rica and can give us some insight into their experiences.
    Colleen Cassidy


    Hi Colleen,

    I run into a lot of young Australian travelers in Costa Rica. Not so many expats. But I’m sure they are out there. 🙂

    Let me give you some resources for connecting with Australians here. These are some online forums and Facebook groups for expats living in Costa Rica. You could join and post a query – it’s a great networking tool:

    Facebook (just enter the names below in the search box in Facebook):

    Gringo Expats in Costa Rica

    Expatriates in Costa Rica



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