Marrage to an Ecuadorian and visa info

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    I am traveling to Ecuador this coming January with the intention of marrying my Ecuadorian fiance, also I want to start the process of establishing my residency in Ecuador. I need to know if I travel without a visa, will I be able to start the immigration process in Ecuador, after my fiance and I are married and stay past the 90 day limit. Also what documentation will I need to bring with me? I have called several Ecuadorian consulates here in the States to find out the information I need but I have gotten several different answers! I hope someone can help me with the information I need!


    Hi Bruce, it doesn’t surprise me that you’ve gotten different answers. In my experience that’s standard operating procedure in every country, including the US — rules are up to individual interpretation. I believe you can start the visa process once you get here. You don’t say where in Ecuador you will be living, but you might want to pose your question to some visa facilitators in that location. If you’ll be working with the immigration office in Quito, check in with Santiago Andrade: Santiago Andrade: He’s very good about answering questions and won’t charge you to do that. Documents that you’ll need will include apostilled birth certificate, police report, divorce decree (if you’re ever been married before)… and there may be some others that I’m missing…


    Thank you Suzan for your response. The info you sent me will be very helpful. I will be living in La liburtad when I return to Ecuador. Two years ago I lived in La Joya Turquesa, north of Guayaguil, I stayed there for five months, I was trying to get my 9-1 visa. the process took so much time I had to return to the US before it was finalize! My fiance and I met as a result of my interest in Ecuador, she and I went to get married after the 75 day waiting period and were told we could not get married because I did not have all of the proper documentation. I know the laws and regulations change in Ecuador often, that is why I want all bases covered, dot every i and cross every t before I return to Ecuador. Any updated information anyone can offer to my situation will be greatly appreciated….Thank you


    Hi Bruce. Contact Dana Cameron. She is a visa facilitator in Guayaquil that expats there rave about. I’ll bet she can help you. Her email is

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