Homepage Forums Panama Insider ***NEW CORONAVIRUS MEASURES*** Through Jan 14

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  • #701922
    Jessica Ramesch

    On December 15 and 27, the government announced special measures through January 14, 2021, as follows:

    From December 18: curfew (& alcohol sales banned) from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily (if your building has a pool/social area the same hours apply). Restaurants may deliver food up to 10 p.m. Supermarkets will admit one person per family (unless you need to bring a minor or caretaker with you).

    December 21-31:
    Women allowed to enter shops Dec 21, 23, 28, 30.
    Men allowed to enter shops Dec 22, 24, 29, 31.

    From December 23 to January 14: Intercity travel ban. Beaches, rivers, etc. will be closed.

    Dec. 25, 26, 27 and Jan. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 are “total quarantine” days which means no one (aside from those with special permission such as essential medical personnel, restaurant and food delivery staff, some government and construction workers) will be allowed out.

    Jan 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14:
    Everyone save essential personnel (doctors, etc.) is allowed out only to go to supermarket or for other emergency outings (pharmacy, vet, etc.) and, unless you are over 60 or have a disability, you are only allowed out on days/during time periods specified in MINSA (Ministry of Health) chart as follows:

    Women get Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays while Men get Tuesdays & Thursdays. You can go out only during the 2 hour-time period that corresponds to your number:

    (What’s my number? Your number is the last digit of your ID/passport)

    7s allowed to make essential purchases: 630am-830am only on days specified above
    8s allowed to make essential purchases: 730am-930am only on days specified above
    9s allowed to make essential purchases: 830am-1030am only on days specified above
    0s allowed to make essential purchases: 930am-1130am only on days specified above
    1s allowed to make essential purchases: 1230pm-230pm only on days specified above
    2s allowed to make essential purchases: 130pm-330pm only on days specified above
    3s allowed to make essential purchases: 230pm-430pm only on days specified above
    4s allowed to make essential purchases: 330pm-530pm only on days specified above
    5s allowed to make essential purchases: 430pm-630pm only on days specified above
    6s allowed to make essential purchases: 530pm-730pm only on days specified above

    Over 60/persons with disabilities*:
    Women regardless of ID #: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays from 11am to 1pm
    Men regardless of ID #: Tuesdays, Thursdays from 11am to 1pm
    *If you require an assistant one person can go with you regardless of id#/age/gender

    ***INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL: If you’ve been in the UK or South Africa in the last 20 days you cannot enter Panama until further notice***

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