On my way! Finally!

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    I am heading to Ecuador on December 3. It has been a long time in the planning stage with many delays and cancellations but am finally on my way. Had to delay jury duty or would have had to cancel again. I will land in Quito late at night and spend a day or two wandering the city. Would you recommend a tour? My travel partner only has one week so I am thinking maybe a trip to Cotacatchi for a night or two with a visit to the Otavalo Market on Saturday. If not too far I thought maybe a trip to the Northern coast from Cotacachi to get an idea of the temp. and humidity. I may stay an aditional week or two after my travel partner returns to Seattle so am wide open for sugestions. Had two years of Spanish but it was about 60 years ago so is gone. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.


    Hi Darel, it sounds like you already have a good plan of attack. In Quito, I’d definitely recommend a guided tour of Old Town. It’s the best way to see the best of the historic center — don’t miss La Basilica church and La Iglesia de Compania de Jesus. There is a city tour company that offers tours and if you are standing in Plaza Independencia looking at the Presidential Palace, it will be behind you and across the street over your left shoulder in a store that also sells artisan goods. You’ll have to sign up for an English-speaking tour and they may schedule it several hours in advance. I’ve also found their “English-speaking” guides to be spotty in their language skills, so another option is to pre-schedule with a company like Nuevo Mundo. Email Julieta Muñoz <julieta@nuevomundoexpeditions.com> and/or your hotel should be able to help you line something up. (Beneath San Francisco church is a really great coffee shop and artisan shop called Tianguez that winds into the bowels if the church. Google it… and check it out.)

    You might also like to go to the Mariscal neighborhood and wander around the shops there during the day — or hang in one of the sidewalk cafes at Plaza Foch and do some people watching. A trip to the Mitad del Mundo museum (marks the “middle of the world” / equator) is fun but kind of touristy.

    Yes, if your travel partner only has a week and you spend 2 to 3 days in Quito, then you’re probably best off not to try to squeeze too much more other than a trip to Otavalo and Cotacachi — Otavalo on Saturday is great, especially if you start the morning at the animal market (unless you’re vegetarian) and then head to the produce market and then the crafts market at Plaza Ponchos. Another fun thing to do in Otavalo/Cotacachi is the Parque Condor.

    I assume you don’t need help with hotel suggestions, etc. But if you do, just let me know. (And if you need a driver from Quito to Cotacachi, email Mauricio Bonilla <gbsmaury@hotmail.com> — the charge should be $60 and tell him I suggested he contact you.

    Enjoy your travels!


    Hi Susan,
    Thank you very much for the reply. Will definitly try some of your suggestions. I could use an inexpensive hotel/hostel in Quito for the first night and the best way to get from the airport to the hotel/hostel at 11:00 pm. Tough time to be looking for a place to sleep. Thanks again, Darel


    Hi Again,
    Looks like I will be spending some time in the Cotacachi/Otavalo area and would love to meet a few expats living here. Where are the “hang-outs” where this might be possible? I hope to return to Ecuador after the first of the year and do a bit more traveling than I have time for this trip. Thanks, Darel


    Darel, you’ll find expats everywhere — Cotacachi is a very small town! You’ll particularly find them at the Rio Intag coffee shop on San Francisco Plaza (where all the artisan booths are) and at restaurants including Solid Rock (on Leather Street just past Tia supermarket as you’re heading toward the market), Serendipity and El Trebol (across the street from one another on Gonzalez Suarez Street just off Leather Street), and in the Monkey Bar (on Leather Street; entrance is next to the ATM machine).


    Thanks Again Susan,
    I will definitely try some of these. Just received word that the Andino hotel in Quito is full for the two nights we had put in for. This is turning into another one of those “Adventure” trips as I just blew the engine on my vehicle coming over the pass from E. Washington. Arrived in Seattle on a bus but made it here for turkey dinner—at 9:30 pm. Had to drive to Kent, Washington this morning at 6:00 am to get out of jury duty for the trip. If this keeps up I will have a story for you in this trip alone.(chuckle)
    If you have another hotel option in the same range as Andino please let me know. Thanks, Darel


    yep, try L’Auberge: http://www.auberge-inn-hostal.com — it’s about halfway between Mariscal and Old Town. Take a taxi at night in this area… put a card in your pocket so you don’t forget where you are staying. I had some friends do that one time… 🙂

    Some people like the Travelers Inn (google it — I’ve never stayed there myself) and a bit higher priced is Hotel Sebastian. Email Adela Muñoz <reservaciones@hotelsebastian.com> and ask her for her best possible rate and do not be afraid to negotiate. 🙂 Just thought of another called Villa Nancy — good location and good rates.


    Hi Darel. I have had the pleasure of dealing, in the past,with Oswaldo Munoz who Susan recommended above (oswaldo@nuevomundoexpeditions.com or julieta@neuevomudo.expeditions.com). He will arrange pickup at airport, accommodations, tours, etc. and is reasonably priced. Just tell him exactly what u’re looking for and he’ll plan an awesome time. Have a great trip!


    Oswaldo and Julieta are first rate. Thanks, Marsha!



    You have many wonderful suggestions here but you said you had Spanish many years ago. If you ever want to brush up try the Simon Bolivar Spanish School http://www.simon-bolivar.com/index.html on Mariscal Foch which is near the Mariscal. It has a range of classes and has internet classes as well. I noticed that the school had a part in the Fast Track Ecuador Conference and I tried classes in Quito and then followed up with some SKYPE classes. I am now looking at places to buy in Quito and feel comfortable more or less in communicating my needs and desires about properties. I can not imagine moving to a non-English speaking country and not attempting to develop some basic level of skill in the local language. Once I move I will take additional classes at Simon Bolivar, the teachers seemed to be very qualified and the prices were very reasonable.

    Two places I think on any visit should be the Guayasamin Museum/house and his Capilla del Hombre and the Teleferico for spectacular views. Check out Trip Advisor for more ideas.


    Yes, love the Guayasamin house and museum!


    Thank you all for the great suggestions. My trip turned into a real adventure. I spent the first 4 days of it in Atlanta, trying to get on a flight that was not overbooked or overweight. My travel partner went on my vacation without me. (chuckle) I finally made it out on the fifth day. Horrible way to start a trip but I met some great people while hanging out at the Atlanta airport. Met a young man from the coast of Ecuador and another whose wife is living in Banos. Hope to visit them on my next trip if I get up the nerve to try it again. I also met a fantastic Delta agent who was putting her parents on a plane to Ecuador (their home) and had them take me under their wing when we finally were able to fly out. They not only took me home to their compound in Quito but took me to Cotacache the next day and helped me find my travel companion. What a wonderful family.
    I caught a cold in Atlanta on my last night there (left the air conditioner on) and I woke with the room cold enough to pack fish. It continued to get worse as I traveled but it was still a good trip. Missed the Saturday Market in Otavalo but did spend part of the day there. Made it up to the Crater Lake just out of Cotacache. It was beautiful. Hope to go back and take the boat trip around the lava domes next time. The owner and wife of the little hotel I stayed in took us up to Laguna. The recommended hotel in Cotacache was up for sale but the tiny hotel I stayed in was really fine and very inexpensive. The owners were Louis and Beatrice and their daughter spoke English. It was $12 single and $20 for a double as I recall. I will post the name of the hotel when I get home.
    Made it to most of the planned attractions in Quito after a bus ride back but never did see any of the Volcanos as the clouds were a bit thick at the time. Hope to do the Volcano tour from Quito to Cuenca on the next trip and spend some time in Cuenca. I still haven’t found my future winter home but have not ruled Ecuador out at this point. Beautiful country and great people. Thanks to everyone for the help. Darel


    Darel, I am glad you enjoyed your trip. Ecuador is, indeed, a beautiful country.

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