Our first visit looking to become expats & stay

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    Jeanne Robertson

    My husband, Frank & I, Jeanne are planning a trip to Ecuador. We’re having a hard time planning. We have 3 weeks & would like to see Cuenca & surrounding areas for 1 week, the Coast for 1 week, maybe base out of PTO. Lopez or Manglaralto. And since we’re there so Galapagos for 1 week. We are really on a recon mission to see where we might want to live as expats. I’m a water lover (doesn’t have to be Ocean) & Frank is a Mountain lover. Hoping for a place that can take care of both our needs where we’ll be around expats. Any advice?

    David Thompson

    My name is David.My wife and I with a friend just got back from Ecuador.We too was on a reconn mission.Still are on that mission.We spent little time in Quito.Spent five days in Cuenca and five days in Puerto Lopez.We are not experts but had a great time.Seen a lot of stuff.We still don’t know where we want to end up.We didn’t get a chance to go to Galapagos but talked to couples that was there and said it was beautiful.We did talk to a lot of expats and did got a lot of good information.As I said we still don’t know where we want to end up. We have already bought our tickets to go back in November.I know this maybe didn’t answer your question but we felt safe there and very much enjoyed our time in Ecuador.You also should have a great time.


    Jeanne, my wife Cynthia and I love the mountains and the coast as well. After coming to Ecuador and experiencing both, you & Frank sit down and ask yourselves which area would make you happier 24/7/365. Live there and visit the other as often as you like. We chose Cuenca and have never regretted it. But just this morning we were talking about planning a visit to the beach. It’s great to live in a country with so many affordable options!


    Hi Jeanne. Rita and I have lived in Salinas on the coast for three years now, and we have spent some time traveling both up and down the coast, and into the interior of the country. We have seen a lot of great places, and we look forward to discovering more. Wherever you may choose to settle, remember this is a relatively small country, so it is easy to visit the mountains and live on the coast, or vice-versa.

    You may want to check out the Travel Itineraries section of the site at https://internationalliving.com/country_clubs/ecuador/travel-itineraries/ for some options.

    If I can answer any specific questions, feel free to ask here or email me directly at salinas@internationalliving.com

    Buen viaje!


    Jeanne Robertson

    Thanks everyone! We will be in Cuenca May 1-May 7. & Puerto Lopez the 7th-12th. We’d love to meet with expats & pick your brain! Anyone around & willing?


    We will most likely be in Salinas when your are in Puerto Lopez, but that’s about 2+ hours away from us by bus or car. Remind me when it gets closer, as we may make a hiking trip to Ayampe, which is only about 20 minutes away. You can also email me at salinas@internationalliving.com

    Jeanne Robertson

    Edd: here in Cuenca. Would love to meet. Leaving this sat. My email is j81432@gmail.com

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