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Homepage › Forums › Ecuador Insider Forum › Passport/Visa
I am planning an exploratory month long trip to Ecuador. Do I need a Visa or is my Passport good for 90 days? Thank you!
Mitchell, your passport is indeed good for 90 days.
Thank you!
Mitchell, We live in Salinas. If you need a contact or any information feel free to contact us -Joel n JoAnn
Will Ecuador except my pass port because US has denied members of the UN from Ecuador to enter the US. It has some bearing on the spill.
That’s the oil spill.
Your US passport is fine.
If the passport is the only thing required for a month would that month be reduced from the allowable 90 days? Also, when would a visa be required & would that be along with the passport? Thanks!
Yes, the month is subtracted from your 90 days. You will apply for a visa if you decide to pursue residency in Ecuador.