Problem with taking dog to Ecuador

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    I need some advice fast. Despite all info to the contrary, I am finding that is NOT easy to take your pet to Ecuador. Although the literature from IL including Ecuador Insider and the Ecuador Owners Manual says just get a health certificate from your vet and take it to the Ecuadorian Consulate for approval and that an international health certificate is not required, the consulate in Arizona requires a USDA authorized health certificate and it must be issued within 10 days of travel. The problem arises due to the fact that no one except the USDA knows the Ecuadorian requirements including local vets. The only info the Consulate gives is that a USDA approved heath cert is required. The problem that has arisen is that a vaccination for leptosporosis is required which is not commnonly done in Arizona and our vet had no clue was required. The big problem is that the vaccination must be given 60 days ahead of time.

    My question is whether we should just try to travel with a regular health cert from our vet and hope no one checks in Ecuador or cancel our tickets and find a place to live for 2 months. Any ideas to get around this would be appreciated. I think IL needs to improve the guidance is this area ie that a USDA cert is required should be investigated months in advance.


    Hi Philip, perhaps Ecuador doesn’t require an international health certificate but you’ll need USDA form 7001. The requirements are the same as on an international health certificate. It seems to me that your vet should have been able to check the international health certificate guidelines to see immunizations are required. In the manual it does say it is best to get the international certificate.

    I honestly don’t know what to tell you at this point. I’ll see what I can find out for you. Meanwhile email customs broker Sandra Baquero at and see if she can offer any guidance.


    Thanks for the response Susan. I guess we will just eat the expense and move later. I certainly hope that the Ecuadorian Consulate is not representative of the Ecuadorian people because frankly they are completely unresponsive and not helpful in the least. I get the feeling that they really don’t want us gringos there. They won’t even answer the phone and when they finally do, they just say “send an email”.


    Philip, I don’t know which consulate you’re trying to reach, but try another one.


    Philip: Would you be good enough to copy me on what you find out about this? I am traveling to Ecuador this winter for the Fast Track conference in Quito, and I’m leaving my dog in a boarding kennel here in Ontario this trip. But I’m planning to move there permanently, if this visit works out, so I’d appreciate anything you learn.

    Jamie Sifton

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