Protestant churches in Cuenca?

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    It looks like we’ll be heading to Ecuador for retirement. Much of the information from IL has helped, as has a lot of research and material from colleagues at the school where I teach who are from Cuenca. We’re visiting in July to have a hopefully final look and decide where we’ll settle in a couple of years. Cuenca at the top of the list and I’m sure we’ll find what we’re looking for; a good community, places to get involved with the people, culture, and all of the other things you’ve all been talking about. We’ll try to get to one of the Gringo Nights (I’ll post here to find out the details of when and where as we get closer).

    One concern we have is about churches. I’m a Catholic, so I know there are no problems finding a church. My wife is Protestant and is wondering what the situation is with Protestant worship communities. She’s not evangelical, which seems to be most of the Protestant presence. Any comments or suggestions on where to look for information would be helpful.


    I’ll ask Edd to answer this one since he lives in Cuenca…


    Search the posts on Gringo Tree. There are lots of references to worship options in Cuenca there.


    Thanks Edd. I didn’t know about Gringo Tree. I appreciate it.


    Hi Gary, and apologies for this delayed answer to your question. I’ve been sick this week, but am back in the saddle.

    I did a little research and found this: The Gathering is a Fellowship for the English speaking community of Cuenca, in association with Unsion, Group 608, and Pastor Bill McDonald.

    The official launch of this Fellowship is May 5, 2013. Two weekly gatherings will be offered:

    Wednesday Worship & Bible Study @ 1:08 PM

    Sunday Worship Celebrations @ 10:08 AM

    All meetings are at the UnsionTV complex located at Juan Montalvo 7-40 and Mariscal Sucre.

    For services times and more information, visit: or send an email to

    Also, Calvary Chapel has a service completely in English at 10 a.m. very Sunday.

    It is on the corner of Av. Solano and Belisario Andrade.

    For questions, email



    can you point me Gringo tree as I dont find it on this site.  many thanks…


    Gringo Tree is not on this site — it’s a Cuenca expat site.

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