Questions: Travel times request when traveling by bus from city-to-city.

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    Hello Ecuadorian Expats

    I will be arriving in Quito on Feb 8. This will be the beginning of my scouting trip to Ecuador. I plan on taking the bus to all the different cities on my trip. If someone could please offer me a good ballpark estimate on the travel times by bus.
    Please see below for the cities I plan on traveling too.
    Quito to Manta … Travel time by bus?
    Manta to Olon … Travel time by bus?
    Olon to Salinas … Travel time by bus?
    Salinas to Loja … Travel time by bus?
    Loja to Cuenca … Travel time by bus?
    Cuenca to Quito … Travel time by bus?
    I was also considering renting a car, but I’m not familiar with the driving laws in Ecuador.
    Any help, suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Mike Ryan
    San Diego, California


    Hi Mike, the driving laws in Ecuador are the same as in the U.S.


    Hello Edd and Suzan

    Question: Are the traffic signs and highways clearly marked?
    Can someone who doesn’t speak Spanish drive safely and find there way in Ecuador?

    Thanks for the great information. You guys really do a great job helping newbies to Ecuador.

    Mike Ryan


    Signs on the major highways are clearly marked. If you decide to rent a car get one with GPS.


    Mike, I think your trip will be less stressful if you stick to the bus or hiring a private driver. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy your trip… and check out the scenery. Just travel light — you’ll be able to get laundry done along the way. If you go by bus, keep valuables on your lap at all times. And don’t try to pack too much into one trip. Relax and enjoy.

    Bill Howes

    Just a note to Edd and Susan. I’ve been following Susan around now for 10 or 12 years (so it seems, I’ve been that long with Int. Living);from country to country (If I live long enough ,I hope to meet !).I really commend you guys for your GOOD advice and willing help to all us Newbies.Could I offer Mike R. my take on things?: I drove over 22,000 Kms. inside Mexico last year from the border in Texas to Merida and back to Canada.I DON’T speak Spanish. My Mexican wife was the world’s worst navigator and I learned why they say not to drive in Mexico at night : “It’s not the ‘banditos’ that will kill you ! It’s the truck drivers !” THEY know every pothole in the highway and how to get around it. Gringo’s stay alert!
    Mike relax and ENJOY.!I certainly did!
    p.s. We were pulling a 28′ goose-neck horse trailer!
    Bill H.


    Thank you, Bill! Nighttime is also when the critters come out… dogs, cats, burros. cows, families on foot. They are all walking on the highways at night and often difficult to see.

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