Revisiting The Visa and Entry Questions

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    At the risk of seeming dense, I still don’t “get it” If I want to travel to Ecuador more then one time a year i.e. suitcase importing or medical tourism, what are my restrictions?

    Susan, are you and Dan “dual citizens”?? I know you are in and out of the country all the time! Did that require a resident status before you could move about freely?

    The reverse also begs a answer. If I get the pensionada visa, & decide to return to the USA for a length of time (like the Stantons) am I limited to time spent in the US before I would loose my Ecuadorian status as a Pensionado??

    Regards, Lynn


    Hi Deanna, Say you come for a week — that’s seven days and then two months later you come for 10 days, that’s 17 days… and so on… so you’ll be fine as long as you aren’t in the country more than your allotted amount in one year, from your first entry through your last entry.

    No, we are not dual citizens, we are “residents” of Ecuador. The rule is that you must not be out of the country more than 90 days total during each of your first years on your resident visa. We met that requirement several years ago so we can travel freely.

    I’ll ask Edd to help with the rest of your question.


    Hola, Deanna. Once you are past the 90 days for the first two years hurdle, your only restriction is you can’t be out of the country for more than 18 months at a time.


    Thanks to all!

    So simple..(I’m almost sheepish 🙂

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