Spanish language requirement to secure Visa?

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    I just read an article in the Panama Guide that said starting 1 April 2013 a Spanish language test will be implemented for all foreigners seeking a residency visa. You must pass the test. The test is also going to be required for anyone looking to renew their current visa. Test is said to be similar To that given a child at the age of 5 to determine his level for entry into school. Has anyone at International Living heard of this? This will have a major impact on my retirement plans if it is in fact true.


    Dear Keith,

    That was an April Fool’s “joke post.” There is no Spanish language requirement for residence (of course there is one for citizenship but that has always been the case and most expats live here on residence visas and never pursue citizenship).

    Regardless, Keith, we do always encourage potential Panama residents to do their best to learn some Spanish, as knowing at least a little Spanish both helps you show you’re respectful of the locals and can have a very significant positive impact on your Panama experience.

    Hope this information helps.

    Best regards,


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