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  • #512990

    Hi Jason,

    I read that we cannot bring firearms into the country, does that mean people are not allowed to own firearms? The reason I ask is my husband enjoys skeet or sporting clay shooting. So, can he buy a gun in CR and are there places to skeet shoot?

    I just finished watching one of your videos where you briefly mention that expats gather for cards and crafts. What type of crafts?


    Linda RoseKain


    Hi Linda,

    Only citizens and permanent legal residents can own firearms. You can gain permanent residency after being a temporary resident for three years. An example of a temporary residency category is the pensionado, or retiree, residency. That’s the most common for those retirees coming to live in Costa Rica who receive Social Security or a pension. There are also investor class residencies for younger folks.

    I just called a shooting range here in Pavas, a neighborhood in San Jose. They allow non-residents to come shoot but you have to have completed a firearms course. And you can rent firearms there.

    There are expat groups that meet for cards, sunset drinks, crafts, travel, book clubs… just about anything you can think of … all over the country. It’s just a matter of asking around when you visit or move there.

    In Atenas, for example, I ran into a group of ladies who make jewelry every week at Kay’s Gringos Postres, a local restaurant that is very popular with the expat community there.

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