Stolen laptop

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    At the end of a “Chill Tour”, while being shuttled back to the Quito airport in a van hired for the purpose, my husband’s laptop was stolen from the other luggage. The tour company and driver would assume no liability and brushed it off (I don’t think we’ll be buying from that developer). The loss, cost and inconvenience is hampering his trip, not having access to email, etc. Regardless of who is more responsible, the take-away message here from the locals is TREAT YOUR LAPTOP LIKE YOUR PASSPORT AND KEEP IT ON YOUR PERSON. They are highly coveted items for theft.

    Speaking of passports, a friend who lived in Peru for many years, said passports are hot items to steal too. When I asked what use they would be to another person, she said it is easy for them to “just change the picture”. C’mon! How can that be? With how high-tech documents are these days? In that case, why wouldn’t a thief just get a fake passport?

    Side note: Husband paid $35 for the 5-mile taxi ride from the Quito airport to a nearby hotel. That almost sounds like NY prices! Everywhere else, the taxis are much cheaper.


    My goodness–credit card problems–stolen laptop–gouged taxi fare–your hubby didn’t get to chill much on his tour. We always watch the back of any van we’re in when it’s opened to remove other passengers’ luggage “just to make sure.” Regarding the overpriced taxi ride, it’s always the best idea, especially at an airport where unsuspecting tourists are clustered, to agree on the price before getting in the car to avoid expensive surprises when you arrive at your destination.


    Edd, he’s taking it all with a grain of salt! All lessons to learn. I found out that the taxi ride of 5 miles from the airport to Stubel Suites, where he was staying, is no longer 5 miles as stated on their website. That was the old airport. As we all now know, the new airport is over an hour from the hotel so the fare makes sense now. But they need to update their website! The upside of the stolen laptop is that now he can’t waste his precious time there surfing the internet as he is wont to do at home, but has to get out and SEE Ecuador in person, lol! He’s having a great time, learning alot and is embarking on another Chill Tour (private) through Ecuador Insider, so that should be a better experience! He’s very impressed with Ecuador nonetheless!


    Now that’s the attitude I like to hear! Good for him!


    Gretchen, so sorry about the laptop and that’s good advice to watch it as you would your passport. FYI: many of the hotel websites have not yet been updated, and very few are close to the new airport.

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