I really can’t comment or recommend whether it is safe to drive to Panama from the US.
That being said several things come into play when moving things to Panama.
If you are coming into Panama without first having residency you will need to pay duty on all things you are importing. That duty amount will depend on the items category and may be hefty. In addition your vehicle if you don’t have residency will have an import duty placed on it that you must pay.
If you are moving to Panama and already have residency then you can bring in items duty free but still need to pay the ITBM tax (VAT) of 7%.
I know very few people who choose to drive to Panama with their belongings as the process is not as simple as just crossing the border into Panama. You will need a customs broker. I would suggest that for more information you contact an attorney such as Rainelda Mata Kelly who can give you all the details especially as things are constantly changing here with laws and regulations.