Use of GMOs

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    I understand that the President has authoeized the une of GMOs for food growth. Just what sort of advancement has thwew been?


    Edmond, this is a topic I am not as familiar with as I probably should be, but here is what I found in a quick search:

    Several environmental groups have confirmed that Ecuador is free of transgenic maize seed. They visited a number of provinces and conducted tests on more than 400 samples of native maize. They found that all of the samples were GMO-free.

    The GMO ban is written into the Constitution. Changing the Constitution requires a referendum vote.If you’re curious, this is what the ban says:”Ecuador is declared free of transgenic crops and seeds. Exceptionally, only in the interest of the nation as duly substantiated by the President of the Republic and adopted by the National Assembly, can genetically modified seeds and crops be introduced into country. The State shall regulate, using stringent standards of biosecurity, the use and development of modern biotechnology and its products, as well as their experimentation, use and marketing. The application of risky or experimental biotechnologies is forbidden.”

    Will the president change the constitution? Perhaps, but that will have to be approved by voters.



    RE: “I understand that the President has authoeized the une of GMOs for food growth. Just what sort of advancement has thwew been?”

    Is this a question about the US President or the President of Ecuador?



    The question was about Ecuador and its president.


    Thank you Suzan. I had seen a short note in one of the many Ecuadorn poste that I get ant it disturbed me. Thank you for clarifing which President I was refering to. Enough said.

    Jon. This was very much a question about an action of the President of Ecuador. Unfortunatlu GMOs are almost the majority of food in the States. This is at least one of the reasons that many of us are looking to GET OUT.


    Jon. This was very much a question about an action of the President of Ecuador. Unfortunatlu GMOs are almost the majority of food in the States. This is at least one of the reasons that many of us are looking to GET OUT.


    Thank YOU, Edmond. There are so many reasons people are looking for options these days — and fortunately it is a big world, with lots to choose from. However, the GMO issue narrows those options considerably. The longer I live out of the States, the more I see how destructive capitalism and big business are. That said, science is wonderful… but it has to be used carefully and thoughtfully.


    I concur…one of the main reasons I am looking to leave the US is in search of a clean food supply, where food is free of GMOs, unneccessary hormones, pesticides, irradiation, etc., and where the government protects the food supply with legislation, long term. I do hope that Ecuadorian government continues to do so, because it would be a deal breaker for me if they do not. Please keep us updated on what you learn 🙂

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