Vaccinations needed?

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    Ray Lenahan

    As we prepare for our trip to Ecuador in mid-September the question of whether we need to receive any vaccinations has come up. From what I can tell the CDC indicates that Hepatitis A, possibly Typhoid, perhaps even Yellow Fever vaccinations may be wise. Malaria is also mentioned as something to take precautions regarding.

    Any thoughts on this? There’s a service called Passport Health that will do an evaluation geared toward where you travel, but just wondering how necessary these vaccinations really are in some of your opinions.



    Unless you plan to visit the deep Amazon, typhoid, yellow fever, and malaria are not diseases you’ll need to worry about. The only reason you might consider a yellow fever vaccination is if you will be traveling directly FROM Ecuador to Costa Rica, Panama, or Bolivia. Those countries do require proof of yellow fever vaccination for travelers coming from certain countries including Ecuador (however, Panama and Bolivia have never asked to see my proof of vaccination).

    I would suggest that you strongly consider getting your Hepatitis A vaccination. I believe it’s a series of shots, so you’ll want to start soon so you’re finished before you come to Ecuador. I had Hepatitis A several years ago and while the disease itself is not life threatening and does not do lasting damage, I would rather have had a vaccination than the illness. It exhausts you for about 6 weeks and the first few days feel like having a severe case of the flu.

    Having said that, many expats here have never received the vaccination and have never contracted Hep A. But I’m proof that it is possible to get it here and I’d urge erring on the side of caution.

    Ray Lenahan

    Thanks, Wendy. Great advice!

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