Weather along the Ecuador Coast

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    I am interested in learning about the weather along the coast of Ecuador. I have the impression from some of my internet searches that it can be rainy and overcast for weeks/ months at a time. Is this accurate? Would you share your impressions about the coastal weather/climate?


    Since I would like to come visit and travel up & down the the coast myself, I would also be interested in the weather also.
    When is the best time of the year to visit? I’ve been to Quito, Banos & Cuenca but have seen none of the coast.


    Was in Puerto Lopez and along the northern coast to Jama Company 2 weeks ago. Weather is cloudy usually in morning and may clear in afternoon. Was around 70 when cloudy and when sun out definitely very warm. Locals told us July, August sunniest and hottest months, Dec.-May rainy but sun and humid between showers.


    Coastal Ecuador is often overcast, thanks to the Humboldt current coming up from Peru. But that also keeps temps more comfortable — doesn’t get as hot as many tropical coastal locations. Ecuador’s southern coast is the driest and the northern coast is the wettest and greenest. Rainy/humid season is October – April. (That doesn’t mean constant rain but you can have periods of intense rain and high humidity.)

    When you visit, I’d avoid holidays, especially Christmas, New Year, Carnaval, Semana Santa (week before Easter) and the odd Ecuadorian holiday.

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