Wind in the Highlands

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    Recent periods of unusually high winds-20-30 mph-for extended periods here in CA raise the question of wind frequency and typical velocity in Cuenca, Quito, Vilcabamba, etc. The jet streams are likely not a factor at the equator, but what of winds possibly caused by the temperature exchange between mountain and valley? Might there also be any seasonal winds such as the “Chinooks” that come out of the Rockies and raise havoc in Boulder and Denver. In short, how windy is it there? Thanks


    I’m quite familiar with the Santa Ana winds of CA (I once hit a golf shot there on a blustery day that landed behind me!) and am happy to report that kind of nonsense isn’t really an issue at all here in the highlands. Sometimes it gets gusty when a thunderstorm rolls in, but that’s about it.


    you golf like me Edd


    That’s my story and I’m sticking with it! 😉


    That’s what I was hoping to hear. I’ll plan to keep our wind chimes then. Gracias.

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