Your COPA promo code is here!

Homepage Forums Panama Insider Your COPA promo code is here!

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    Hey there PI readers- in this month’s e-letter we told you about a great discount offer from Copa Airlines.

    If you book a flight with them by September 1st you’ll get 25% off the fare.

    You need to travel by November 30, so all of you folks planning a trip this fall, now is the time to book your flight!

    Here’s the link for Copa Airlines :

    When you reserve your flight use the promo code PTYSTYLE.

    See you in Panama!!

    Jennifer Flenniken

    Hi Linda,
    I tried the promo code above on a potential flight and COPA’s website said there was no such promo code. Would you please check this for me?


    Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for visiting the Panama Insider forum. We’re sorry to hear you had trouble with booking your Copa flight. I just went to the website’s main page and put in some sample dates within the parameters mentioned above and was able to enter the PTYSTYLE promo code, so it looks like it is working for the above specified dates etc. If you need help you can contact Copa directly with any questions, they have a website as well as toll-free lines and an “Ask Ana” question function on the website.

    Hope it all works out and don’t hesitate to post again.



    Your IL Panama Editor Jessica Ramesch

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