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  • in reply to: Travel Questions #544259

    Jo Anna
    y husband and I fly from Nova Scotia (thru Toronto) to Miami. We spend the night in Miami and take Copa Air (thru Panama) to Quito. We arrive in Quito at 5:30 pm and each leg of our trip is not longer than 2-1/2 hrs. Return is the same (much better than the North American airlines that can fly you for 24-25 hrs before you’re there.

    Jo Anna We fly from Nova Scotia to Quito thru Toronto and Miami. We spend the night in Miami and the next morning fly thru Panama to Quito (arrival 5:30 p.m.) Each leg of the trip is less than 3 hrs and we arrive rested. Return is the same routes. Copa Air is GREAT! North American lines can take you 24-25 hrs to reach back home.

    in reply to: Things you brought that were easily/cheaply replaced #543924

    Regarding pianos…I was also looking for this in Quito. Found a “spinet-type” for $3,000. Electronic keyboards were $8000 and up.

    in reply to: Gated communites around Quito #543923

    Thanks, Suzan. I’ve been setting up apt. rentals for remaining 2 months we’ll be in Quito. We arrive Jan 8 and leave Apr 7, so that will give us time to do more exploring. Thanks again.

    in reply to: Hosteria San Jose – Puembo #516471

    Hi Angela, been away from the computer for a while…sorry. Puembo, we strictly stayed in the Hosteria for the 2 days (totally relaxing). Puembo looks like a nice area, we pass near it and other areas that are all similar (all with small tiendas, etc.) when we are going out to Pakakuna Gardens where we’re having a home built. Most of the areas have enough tiendas to get by…maybe get almuerzo…but nothing large. Tumbaco, Cumbaya, etc sized towns have large malls with good shopping (taxi ride away). Buses are also everywhere. Weather each day is pretty much the same…check weather.com for daily reports. Bring a hat for the sun!

    in reply to: Monthly rental in Quito #513279

    Suzan..sorry I didn’t get back to answer your question. But we are now here in Quito at Melissa I (Juan Leon Meara y Calle Pinta). I found it through VRBO, (the owner is in Arizona). April 21 we will move to another one of her apts to finish our trip – in fact we’ll be on Colon, 1 block from Hotel Sebastian. We’re content here, but I’m having a BAD knee problem, so walking is limited for “furnishing the house” shopping. I’m starting to research for an acupuncturist!

    in reply to: Hosteria San Jose – Puembo #513278

    Hi Danica. Yes, we’re Maritimers (transplanted 10 years ago from Colorado!) This is our second trip to Ecuador. Last year we made the decision to be in Pakakuna Gardens (outside of Quito). For a while, we’ll keep our Bridgewater home (on water) and be here during the winter/cold times. Construction on our home is going great-guns (and is beautiful). We’re picking out the tile flooring and countertops now. But their choice on finishings is pretty darn good. We’ll be heading back to Halifax on May 7 (we actually leave here May 6 to Miami thru Panama). Hope you have a great trip…it’s an astonishingly beautiful country…in all respects.

    in reply to: Monthly rental in Quito #508802

    Hi Suzan,  Thanks for the info.  I spent yesterday finding and finalizing a rental.  Lovely apt in town and great people to work with.  Had started planning in Jan. so very glad to have found a great spot so quickly.  Some things are just meant to be, aren’t they?  Another 6 wk visit for us to our future home.  Best to you.


    in reply to: Quito vs Cuneca #508666

    A year ago my husband and I took our “initial” trip to Ecuador.  Time was spent in Cuenca as well as Quito.  Both are great locations but we ended up choosing Quito “valley” areas over Cuenca because of slightly warmer temperatures.  We, as a couple, walked EVERYWHERE and felt safe (in both cities).  Upoon returning to Quito after 5 weeks, we felt very much at home and at that time we made our permanent decision.  We plan on living in Quito but also taking trips to Cuenca for extended visits to enjoy that city.  Give it all a try.

    in reply to: Apologies if access has been difficult #497800

    Thanks, and again, apology accepted…isn’t technology grand?

    in reply to: Best way to see Ecuador #497799

    Hi Pat, my husband and I travelled in Ecuador by bus with no problems (very cheap, too). But contact Sarah Dettman (s.dettman@yahoo.com) or Jonathan Hall (juanzec@yahoo.com). One or the other should be able to help you get there and/or give advice. They are great people…use me as a reference. Diane

    in reply to: Travel advise and airports #493946

    Rodney, my husband (Bob) and I did your “trip” last May-July. We’d planned to go it alone for 6 wks but ended up on a “Crash Course Ecuador” tour which covered survival spanish, culture, history and just siimply had a great time exploring. When we ended in Cuenca, we went on our own by great bus service to Loja, where we switched to a different bus into Vilcabamba. (There’s a GREAT restaurant right across the street from the bus station there where we quickly went…dragging our rollaboards with us…for a wonderful almuerzo (lunch). In Cuenca we were ushered into the bus depot by an english speaking fellow who took us to the correct desk to buy our tickets ($7.50/2) to Loja. From there on, we were comfortable on the buses. DIRECTO is a good word to know when asking about buses…sometimes it does mean “non-stop”!. Have fun and be willing to ask questions in broken spanish and you’ll be surprised how easily people will help you with their broken english. The Ecuadorians are beautiful, helpful, friendly people. We’re ending up in Pakakuna Gardens (outside Quito).

    in reply to: Swimming in Quito, Cuenca, & elsewhere #493594

    Robert, I’m late in arriving to this site, but…Hotel Quito has a great outdoor pool (good temp), Vilcabamba has a nice pool at Hosteria Izhcayluma (if you’re staying there)…also outdoor pool. We’re building at Pakakuna Gardens (outside Quito) where there is an outdoor pool and an indoor pool is planned, also. Swimming is very important to us as well.

    in reply to: Recommended Accommodations #493580

    Ed, we’ll keep you in mind for returning to Cuenca. Right now, we’re planning on returning to Quito in March or April to finalize plans on a small home we’re building in Pakakuna Gardens. We loved Cuenca when we were there in May/June 2012 and will return to visit…but home will be Checa (outside of Quito). Thanks.

    in reply to: Recommended Accommodations #493401

    El Arpuo in Quito is also excellent. In Salinas we enjoyed Francisco II (no breakfast but grocery store a block away has great ham & cheese croissants). In Cuenca we stayed at Casa las Barrancas. Kookaburra has 2 VERY small studios – owner from Alberta, Canada.

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