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  • in reply to: Humididty Levels on the Coast #489384

    Won’t get much accomplished in only 3 hours! 🙂

    in reply to: Medical Tourism #488990

    Dave, since you don’t indicate needing a specialist I’m going to start you off with my personal physician–Dr. Pablo Parra. He speaks excellent English and can direct you to other doctors you may require. His email is parra5432@yahoo.com, but be advised (and surprised) that docs respond better to cell phone calls. So you can wait until you get here and reach him at 0996108523. You’ll most likely be able to see him the same day you call.

    Let me share with you my dentist’s contact info as well: Dr. Richard Rodriguez. Email ricardorodriguezaguilar@hotmail.com. Phone 072455483.

    Good luck–hope to see you in February.

    in reply to: Gluten free foods #488599

    Joan, here’s an excerpt of a post in GringoTree (gringotree@cuencahighlife.com) that I’m sure you’ll find helpful:

    Gluten Free Meeting

    If you seek to live a life free of wheat/barley/rye, there is a group in Cuenca which offers helpful support: the Cuenca Gluten Free User’s Group (or Cuenca GFUG for short).

    Gluten sensitivity causes a variety of unpleasant symptoms which become life threatening for those with Celiac disease. Many people go undiagnosed for years. A simple way to address the issues is to eliminate all wheat, barley and rye from your diet. In the US there are many alternative products but it takes a little creativity in Ecuador. There is lots of positive energy as people share about resources and solutions.

    Contact Sharon McIntosh with questions. Cell 069 448 320 Email is best: nature93@gmail.com

    in reply to: Obtaining a Driver License #488397

    You cannot bring along an interpreter–you’re on your own.

    in reply to: All Saints Day / Cuenca Independence Day Celebrations #488180

    Bradley, one of my core principles is to never turn down a free meal, but my wife and I will be in the US during that time meeting our new granddaughter. So regrettably I must turn down your generous offer. Have fun in our beautiful city!

    in reply to: Legal Requirements #488174

    Rather than speculate why don’t you just get the police report from wherever you live now and see what it says? You may be needlessly worrying about something that happened 42 years ago.

    in reply to: ccell phone situation #488123

    The link Fred provided gives you info on where a cell phone can be purchased. The larger stores will have someone who speaks English and can help you get the phone set up. Don’t know where you read that info about needing a cedula, but as far as I know your passport is sufficient to obtain a phone. Drug trafficking isn’t a major problem in Ecuador.

    in reply to: All Saints Day / Cuenca Independence Day Celebrations #488097

    You picked a great time to be here, Bradley. Artisans from all over Ecuador and Peru have booths selling their beautiful handicrafts in various spots around town. Food, fireworks, and festivities galore. Cuenca will be packed with visitors during this weekend. Enjoy the party!

    in reply to: Driver License and Car Registration #487916


    When you see what comes out of Google Translator in English when someone here types you a message in Spanish you may not be quite as excited. The app is way better than nothing but sometimes the results are—-bizarre.

    in reply to: Best Time to Visit Ecuador #487909

    The rainy season is generally the first half of the year, so with your prospective time frame, the later the better. That being said, it rarely rains all day long–mostly just showers. And be aware that while our weather is somewhat predictable, within any given day it’s quite changeable.

    in reply to: Veterinary Service #487898

    There are many pet owners here, so we also have many vets, boarding places, & groomers.

    in reply to: Electricity #487897

    Can’t speak for rural locations, but here in Cuenca this is not a concern.

    in reply to: quito or cuenca dentist #487562

    Glad to help, John. In Cuenca contact Dr. Richard Rodriguez at ricardorodriguezaguilar@hotmail.com. He speaks excellent English and has very fair prices.

    in reply to: An odd question #487557

    Milk in the stores is ultra-pasteurized and in boxes on the shelf. Both whole and skim are available. They taste a little different but are certainly acceptable. You can even buy French butter but, being imported, it’s very expensive.

Viewing 15 posts - 406 through 420 (of 434 total)