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    Suzan, Wendy, thanks for the info — JPD


    Susan, thanks. Are you aware of any links by EC officials or US EC Embassy that might provide info on travel warnings/restrictions?

    in reply to: Register 12-IX Visa in Cuenca #584126

    Ed, thanks for the good luck wishes. I was successful and hope this info helps other EC insiders.

    Process to Register a 12 – IX Visa in Cuenca — (AKA 12 – 9 Visa) as of 4 Sep. 2014

    Here is the process I used to register my 12 – IX visa that was issued in the USA. The info below is not about applying for a 12 – IX visa. That is a separate process. When I received my 12 – IX visa in Houston I was reminded that I must register the visa within 30 days of arrival and was provided the telephone number and addresses for the three registration locations – Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca.

    1. Call ahead: Call to confirm requirements – contact info below. When you connect, clarify you are registering an existing visa, not applying for one. After several attempts I connected with a helpful English speaker, Marie Cruz. She provided the requirements below. If you register at another location, call to verify requirements as each may be different. While waiting at the Cuenca office I learned they have an e-mail service to answer questions for English-speaking foreigners – e email address is: I didn’t use this service but feedback from expats indicate it was helpful.

    2. Get there early: The office opens at 8:00 AM. Get there early to get in the queue. I used a mini-van service from Loja to Cuenca and back to Loja – contact information and additional details below.

    2a. Step One: I arrived at 8:35 AM. Upon arrival, the guard will ask you why you are there. If your Spanish skills are minimal like mine, show him your request letter. The guard will guide you to reception where you present the request letter again and ask for an English speaker if needed. They will tell you to take a seat on the left side of the room – left side as you enter the office. Tip: The queue starts with those seated up front/nearest reception. There are about six rows of seats. I took an open seat in the third row. As it turned out, this put me closer to the front of the queue. Even though the office opened at 8 AM nothing happens until around 9:30 AM when they start processing the queue. You are asked to come forward and state why you are there and present your passport. They will take down your info and keep your passport. After the queue is processed (about 40 minutes) they will call your name and give your appointment time. You can either leave or come back at your designated time. I stayed for my 10:45 AM appointment and was called at 11:10 AM. I presented my paperwork and was told to sit while it was reviewed. At 11:40 I was called and asked to make 2 additional copies of the passport pages 2 & 3, 2 morecopies of the 12 – IX visa page in your passport and one copy of the new visa registration stamp they had just put into the passport. I was not initially told about needing these additional copies but not to worry the copy shop is out the door and about 45 steps to the left. Note: the registration stamp indicates the date you must depart the country.

    2b. Step Two: I presented the additional copies, was given a new queue number and told to take these new copies and sit on the right side of the room until called. In 15 minutes I was called and my information was reviewed. I was told to take a piece of paper to the cashier and pay a $4.00 fee and return when paid. I returned with my receipt and after a bit more processing given a Certificado De Empadronamient De Extramiento De Extranjernos and told to go make a copy of it. Out the door, turn left, copy made and back. I provided the copy, was given the original and told I was done. I walked out of the office at 12:45 PM a very happy camper.

    3. Requirements to process a 12-IX visa in Cuenca: Note: Items 1 & 2 are in your possession before you register your visa. You will need to collect/prepare items 3 to 10. Items 11 & 12 are issued during the registration process. None of the requested copies/documents were required to be notarized.

    You will need to provide:
    1. Your passport
    2. The original certificado de visación that was issued by your Ecuadorian Counsel in the USA.
    3. One Request Letter: It is a letter in Spanish stating who you are and what you need. I found this online and I am not sure it is a requirement but it helped me get in the door and into the right queue. The request letter was submitted during step one and not returned. Template below.
    4. One Non Immigrant Visa Application Form/FORMULARIO DE SOLICITUD DE VISA DE NO INMIGRANTE — This is the same form you used when you applied for your 12 –IX visa. Copy at this link: . This document is submitted during step one above.
    5. One passport photo, This is submitted during step one.
    6. Three color copies of your passport’s main info (pages 2 & 3). You need not copy each page separately as both will show on an 8.5 x 11 inch copy page. You will need to submit one copy for step one and two more copies during step two.
    7. Three color copies of the 12-IX visa that your Ecuador Counsel pasted into your passport. You will need to submit one copy for step one and two more copies during step two.
    8. One color copy of the stamp placed into your passport for your last entry into Ecuador. This is submitted during step one.
    9. Migratory Movement Certificate issued by the immigration authorities. This certificate shows when you entered/exited Ecuador and you add your local address and phone number if you have one. The certificate costs $5.00 and was produced in five minutes. When I visited the Loja office there was an English speaker to assist me. This document is submitted during step one. The Loja office (Subjefatura de Migracion de Loja) is located near the corner of Venezuela and Peru in Barrio Peñón del Oeste. Their telephone number is: (593) (7) 257 36 00. Locations of other Migration Offices at this link:
    10. A plain manila folder without any writing on it. The only one I could find in Loja was a yellow, legal sized with a two hole clip inside. It was submitted during step one and accepted. If you don’t or can’t readily get one, the same copy shop referenced above sells them.
    11. Copy of the Certificado De Empadronamient De Extramiento De Extranjernos (issued in step two).
    12. Copy of the registration stamp placed into your passport during step one. (issued in step one).

    Contact info:
    Elite Tours: The cost is $12.00 each way from Loja to Cuenca. It takes between 3 to 3.5 hours depending on traffic and road conditions. You have a 10-15 minute bathroom break about half way there. Book your trip several days in advance. I booked a 5 AM departure and made it to the Cuenca office by 8:35. They also have a 4 AM departure. It takes a short, $2 cab ride from Elite Cuenca to the visa office. I booked a 3 PM return and since I finished early I returned to the Cuenca office and was able to get a 1:30 departure back to Loja without additional cost.

    Cuenca Visa Office: The Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana
    Coordinacion Zonal 6 is located at Manuel J. Calle 2-100 y Alonso Cordero. Their phone number is (07) 407 5942/43/44/45. Note: Double check your office address, some of the web info still has their old/pre 2012 address posted.
    I hope this info is helpful. My total time spent registering was probably faster than normal. When I called to get the requirements I also explained that my wife was injured and on doctor’s orders for bed rest and could not travel to Cuenca. I asked if I could process her visa without her being present. They checked with their legal department and said yes I could register her with the caveat I provide a letter from our doctor. When I checked in the day I processed our registrations, I asked if they could expedite our registrations so that I could return to Loja to care for my wife. I was patient, polite and very well taken care of. To preclude confusion the requirements list above is for the registration of a single visa.

    Request Letter Template:
    Cuenca, (Date__________________)
    Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana
    Coordinacion Zonal 6

    Yo, (first & last name____________________________________), con pasaporte número (passport #_____________________), nacido en la ciudad de (city you were born_________________________), en la fecha (date you were born________________________), de ocupación o profesión (occupation or profession______________________), y que desarrollo la actividad de (reason for coming to Ecuador____________________________________), solicito a su autoridad se sirva registrar mi visa (type of visa________________________________________). Por la favorable acogida que se sirva dar a la presente anticipo mis agradecimientos.



    in reply to: Register 12-IX Visa in Cuenca #583759

    Thanks, Ed. The number you provided does not match. I called the Cuenca number provided by the EC Counsel that issued our visa and did connect after several tries with an English speaker. With my limited but growing Spanish vocabulary I was provided a list of the necessary documents. There were several additional requirements not posted on their website. I travel to Cuenca tomorrow to register the visa and I will post the contact info & locations in Loja and Cuenca plus the documents I was required to provide once I complete the process for others to use as a guide.

    in reply to: Loja Expat Contacts #554179

    Suzan thanks for Diana’s referral. You are right she is a busy lady and fourtunately we were able to connect and have dinner together. Her feedback about living in Loja was very helpful. We plan to return to Loja this summer (2014) for several months. Thanks again.

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