Forum Replies Created
ParticipantYou are welcome – Sarah is a great resource.
ParticipantExactly as Edd said — the 25k CD investment is held by the bank as long as you want this particular resident visa. Same as the investor visa that is secured by a real estate purchase. If you cash in the CD or sell the real estate you will lose your visa.
In the case of later obtaining your citizenship, then you no longer need to keep the investment in the bank.
ParticipantGary, explore this website. Check out the Home Page — there is an entire section there called “Where to Move”
ParticipantDave, how much stuff will you be leaving and for how long? You can leave a suitcase or two at your hotel….
ParticipantEdd’s right — the best-paid English-teaching gigs are in Asia (China, Korea and Japan) and the Middle East. Your TEFL school should have the details.
ParticipantCharles, I think Edd answered your questions in your subsequent post, right???
ParticipantMark, that’s what I do — just use my ATM withdrawals to fund my life. I wouldn’t count on try to pay for anything with a US check, though…and I’ll say that I am not the norm. Most people prefer to have a local bank account. I just don’t feel the need and prefer my life to be as uncomplicated as possible.
ParticipantCharles, you can get flax seed, called linaza, in Ecuador, so I assume you can get the oil, too. In fact, it is a plant that is grown in Ecuador.
ParticipantI don’t know about ‘no bugs’ but there are no mosquitoes above a certain elevation in the Andes. At certain times of year, though (rainy season), we have some small biters that hide in tall grass near the creeks and rivers. Not a problem in the cities, only if you live is a grassy area near water.
Also, Charles, I’ve heard mixed reviews of whether produce sold in the open-air mercados is actually organic or not. People will say whatever to get you to buy their stuff… and they are not regulated. I’ve been told to look for the little old indigenous ladies who only have a handful of things to sell. They likely can’t afford chemicals.
That said, I am sure there are organic farms in Ecuador — if you go to SuperMaxi, our largest and most ubiquitous supermarket chain, you’ll find products that are labeled organic. And I’m certain they are. So if you buy a the chains and read labels, you can be sure of what you’re getting. At the mercados you “may” get organic but you can’t be certain.
ParticipantI will let Edd answer this — but you can buy bottled water or bring a filter, as you say. Why chance drinking the tap water? (Cottage cheese is not commonly found in the supermarkets in Quito or Imbabura, where I live — but you can make your own. Don’t know about flax seeds…let’s see what Edd says.)
ParticipantI’m sure Edd will have some ideas for you — enjoy your trip!
ParticipantKevin, you’ll find more opportunity for work in Quito or Guayaquil — that’s where the bilingual international schools are located. You might start with the list here:
I’ll let Edd weigh in on opportunities in Cuenca. As for dogs, if they’re large they’ll need to come as cargo (luggage) on your flight — call or check out the airline website for details. And you’ll need to make sure they have their documents in order — look for info about that elsewhere in the Ecuador Insider website — let me know if you can’t find it?
ParticipantDavid, our contacts in Quito are working on getting this information about storage facilities for you. It looks there are some large warehouse type places in Calderon, north of Quito, but they’re huge and costly — like $130 a month. So let us see if we can find something better. If you do not have an immediate need, Sarah Dettman says you can email her and she’ll see if she can help:
ParticipantHi David, not that I know of — but let me ask around and see what I can find out…
ParticipantYou will need a driver’s license to drive a scooter, yes. And you can find the requirements for a visa in the Visas and Residency section of this site.