Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI go to dentists in Ibarra and Cotacachi so I have no experience with this one, in Quito, but a friend goes to Maria Elena Flores. Her tel number is +593 3220300 / 3220310. Email
Edd may have a suggestion for you in Cuenca…
ParticipantJerry, you can get traveler’s insurance just about anywhere — I think Blue Cross has a decent policy, but you might want to check with your personal health insurance provider – you may be able to get a rider of some sort.
ParticipantI won’t eat margarine, so I always opt for the butter. There are bad brands and good brands. Cream is widely used as is milk. You can also buy raw milk and cream directly from farmers. (Nestles has major operations here so milk, cream, chocolate….)
ParticipantFYI, Duty Free will be your best friend for “spirits” — Ecuador has a big tariff on imported booze so if you like Scotch, good vodka, etc., pick some up. Each person can bring 3 liters….I always stock up on cognac, etc. at Duty Free on the way to Ecuador.
ParticipantMilk and creme we have!
ParticipantHere is a youtube video for one project:
The developer is Dr. Gabriela Bonds Ecuador: (593) 085 747 142
ParticipantIf you have any more information… maybe a name or description… that will help me figure out how to help you. There are several condo and townhome projects in and/or near Cotacachi.
ParticipantHi John, this s a tough one to answer. You probably need to speak to a business facilitator. You might start at,, or I’m pretty sure there are already computer connectivity specialists here, so you’ll need to look for a special niche to fill. And if you don’t speak Spanish you’ll be at a disadvantage until you are able to do so.
You’ll probably find more opportunities in the larger cities, of course, and the competition will be more welcome there. Remember that the minimum wage in Ecuador is very low, so your prices will need to be very competitive.
Maybe someone else on this forum has some suggestions or comments…
ParticipantHi William, I got an answer from a friend of mine who moved similar equipment to Ecuador. He said: “No, it shouldn’t be a problem. I packed several studio components in their original boxes along with some packed in moving boxes without incident . As long as it is used and listed as such on the packing list, it will be fine. Their declaration needs to include information about their musical work/hobby. You are allowed to bring in equipment that relates to work and personal interests, as long there aren’t (new) multiples. That shouts “resale”.”
ParticipantI’m not sure, but let me see what I can find out.
ParticipantIn Salinas, you might try Hotel Amira (, from $40 per person) — not on the beach but just a block or two from it and very nice. A driver that has been suggested to me (but I have no firsthand experience with) is a guy by the name of Will and his number is 0986992334 if you are in the country or — I believe — you would dial 011-593-86992334 from the States. They just changed the dialing protocol in Ecuador so if this doesn’t work, ask an operator to help you. Will speaks English.
Check out the itineraries in the Travel Section for details about other hotels along the coast, real estate agents, etc.
ParticipantOswaldo tells me sell that you can buy GPS equipment in Quito in a store that is located on the second floor of Centro Comercial El Condado (Mall El Condado — very nice). He does not recall the name of the store but it is easy to find. Also for getting the route maps, you can get them in the web in “Mercado Libre” and look up “mapas ruteables del Ecuador”. The cost of a GPS here is about 270 to 300 dollars.
ParticipantMike, here is the expat get-together info for Cuenca:
Gringo Nights in Cuenca
Tuesday, 5 – 8 p.m., DiBacco´s Italian Restaurant and Bar, 9 – 61 Calle Tarqui at Bolivar
Thursday, 5 – 8 p.m., DiBacco´s Italian Restaurant and Bar (Gringo Newcomers Night), 9 – 61 Calle Tarqui at Bolivar
Friday, 5 – 7 p.m., California Kitchen, Luis Cordero 5-65 and Calle Larga
Friday, 5 till closing, Fabiano’s Pizzaria, Calle Presidente Cordova 4-84 at Cueva
Friday, 5:30 – 8 p.m., Zoe Restaurant, Calle Borrero 7-61 at Sucre
Other gringo meet-up locations are: Café Eucalyptus, Calle Gran Colombia 9 -41 and Benigno Malo; Inca Lounge and Bistro, on the Barranco just east of Calle Benigno Malo; and Akelarre Bar, General Torres 8-40 and Bolivar.
We don’t own pets, but many expats do (although I don’t any who own six!). I’m sure you’re aware your situation will limit the availability of rentals, and an additional security deposit will probably be required. But I think you would be able to find something suitable. Perhaps you will meet other pet owners at one of the gringo hangouts, and you can certainly post a request for assistance and advice in GringoTree.
P.S. In Cotacachi you won’t find any organized get-togethers but will will meet gringos everywhere, especially at the expat-owned restaurants: Casa de las Frutas, Solid Rock, Serendipity, El Trebol.
ParticipantYes, there are veterinarians in Manta and Salinas. In Libertad (near Salinas) I’ve heard recommendations for a vet office called El Pibe. Dr. Franklin, there, and his wife Maria both speak English and they are there most days and available by phone at other times: 097000803. I understand they board large dogs at El Pibe — at the vet office and in a separate area than ill animals but still mostly indoors. Smaller dogs are boarded at Dr. Franklin’s home.
I don’t have a contact for you in Manta, unfortunately, but it is about 6 times larger than Salinas and I’m sure you will find services there. Once you put down roots I’m sure you’ll find what you need. I have a house-sitter who stays in my home with my cats for $10 a day. She charges more for dog sitting – -not sure but it may be $15 a day. This is just to give you an idea of what you might expect to pay…
ParticipantI don’t know of any — would not your GPS from home work in Ecuador? Oswaldo Munoz — see contact info in the Experts section here — is my go-to guy on anything to do with travel in Ecuador. I’ll ask him and get back to you.