How Can I Find a Furnished Rental in Cannes/Antibes?

Mary L. Says:

What is the best way to find a furnished rental apartment in the Cannes/Antibes area of France? It should be at least a one bedroom but could be two.

IL France Correspondent Tuula Rampont Says:

Hi Mary,

There are a few ways to go about looking for a long-term rental in the Cannes/Antibes area.

If your French is good enough, you could save some money on agencies by searching for long-term rentals on the website: Le Bon Coin.

As this is a popular area with expats and visitors, you might even find some listings in English, and normally on this site you will deal directly with the landlords themselves. Many will have at least a basic grasp of English, if not more.

A similar website, Seloger, has a lot of listings as well. You may find more agencies on here though, as opposed to connecting directly with landlords.

If you would feel more comfortable going through an agent, you could try contacting Adrien Leeds and her team, who specialize in getting long-term rentals in the area.

I do think you can secure a rental on your own—the most important thing a potential landlord will be looking for is proof of financial stability—but Adrien will take over the whole process for you if you so desire, for a fee.

I hope that’s helpful, good luck with planning your move!

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