Follow an Endless Summer Down South

Follow an Endless Summer Down South

With serious chill looming in the northern hemisphere, why not escape to someplace where you don’t have to worry about putting on that winter coat? Sure, you may miss a White Christmas (and snow storms and freezing rain, too). But you could switch things up and hit the beach, or a thriving metropolis, or choose a bustling (and artsy) port city, instead. And the beauty of a move down south is that you’ll miss winter entirely...

What Happened When My Parents Retired Overseas

What Happened When My Parents Retired Overseas

At the age of 52, my parents had lived their entire lives in only two states: Massachusetts, where they were born, and Maine, where they’d moved in their 20s. At 22, a newly minted college graduate, I moved to Virginia. That was the third state that I would call home. My trajectory was not unusual: Child grows up, attends college out of state, graduates, and relocates for new opportunities...