Should I Get a Second Passport From the Dominican Republic?

Lindsay G. Says:

I live in the Dominican Republic, but am reluctant to get a second passport for the country.

While I love this country, and plan to continue living here, no one can ignore that there is still a high degree of corruption at work here, including in the judicial system.

I worry that, were I to take a Dominican second passport, the U.S. would not help me should I get into trouble with the Dominican government. Is this worry justified?


Global Diversification Expert Ted Baumann Says:

Hi Lindsay,

The recommendation to acquire a second passport is not a blanket one that applies equally to all countries.

I agree that a Dominican Republic passport is not a good one to have unless you don’t have any other options. Aside from the problems that you cite, it only allows visa free access to 40 countries.

That’s why in my Global Citizen service, I offer a list of recommended second passports. Only about 50 countries make the cut.Nevertheless, you need not worry that acquiring a second passport means that the country of your first citizenship will abandon you if you face trouble there.

For example, there are hundreds of people in Gaza at the moment whose country of second citizenship are working hard to help them leave the territory. In Russia, there are at least two dual Russian-U.S. citizens in custody right now, and the U.S. is doing everything it can to help them get home.

It is true that the claim a country has on you once you become its citizen is different than if you are merely a resident or visitor. But even if you do take a second passport, the country of your first citizenship still has a legal obligation to provide you with consular support.


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