What is the Minimum Pension Income to Live in Mexico Long-Term?

Ted J. Says:

What is the current minimum monthly pension income amount required to qualify for long-term living in Mexico?

IL Mexico Correspondent Bel Woodhouse Says:

Hi Ted,

To be eligible for permanent residency in Mexico, you need to show income, or pension, in at least six months of bank statements with a balance of $7,100. 

Each consulate has the power to change these figures a little so I would reach out to contact the Mexican Consulate nearest you to book an appointment. 

The appointment usually has a small fee of around $53 attached to it and they will let you know of any concessions you may be eligible for.

You can find the application form for a permanent resident visa to Mexico here.

Learn more about the various visa options available for Mexico on the IL website.

Hope that helps, and best of luck with your application!


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