What’s the Alternative Healing Scene like in Panama?

Cheryl B. Says:

What’s the alternative healing scene like in Panama?


IL Panama Editor Jessica Ramesch Says:

Hi Cheryl,

Panama has always had its share of alternative medicine practitioners. As foreigners continue to move here in search of healthier lifestyles, the industry continues to grow.

You’ll find all kinds of therapies and treatments available in special centers and even spas. Over the years I’ve seen ads for acupuncture, homeopathy, homotoxicology, herbal medicine, complementary medicine, neutral therapies, intravenous chelation, as well as all types of manual therapies (chiropractic, Reiki, relaxing and therapeutic massages, etc.).

These practices are largely unregulated, so ask for recommendations, check reputations, and use the same common sense you would employ back home.

You may even find alternative options at allopathic clinics and hospitals in Panama. For example, the world-class Punta Pacífica Hospital pioneered an alternative medicine specialties group to provide alternative cancer treatments using a multi-disciplinary approach that meets the “physical, emotional, and spiritual needs” of patients.

Costs can be very low. I see one of the country’s best chiropractors and I pay $100 for five sessions—just $20 each. (There’s a debate here as to whether or not this is “alternative” medicine. All I know is Dr. Sherry is a lifesaver!)

Life in Panama has so many benefits. See for yourself with these three examples of expats living slower-paced, happier lives.

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