What’s the Best Way to Buy a Used Car in France?

Jeff G. Says:

Do you have any suggestions about the most reliable way to buy a used car in France?

IL France Correspondent Tuula Rampont Says:

Hello Jeff,

My husband and I purchased two used cars thanks to the Le Bon Coin website, known as the Craigslist of France. Both have been from individual owners, although you will find some dealerships on there as well.

We first purchased a Renault Clio in 2010, which I’m happy to report is still going strong. We met the owner in a parking lot, and then asked to have the car checked out by a mechanic—which we did and everything was up to speed. Once you finalize the sale with the owner, they will deliver to you a “grey card” (carte grise) which is equivalent to a US title of ownership.

A few years back, we purchased our second car, which is a Toyota Hybrid, and we went through the same process. We met the owner in the parking lot of a supermarket, and then were able to have the car checked out by a mechanic.

The prices have gone up on used cars in France after Covid, as with the US, but we’ve found this to be a very reliable way to purchase a vehicle here. You can also go to a car dealership near where you live and purchase a used car off the lot.

I hope that is helpful. Good luck with your move to France. 

Read more about life in France on the dedicated resource page of the IL website.

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