A Family Makes Time for Each Other in Penang

A Family Makes Time for Each Other in Penang

“Living in Penang, Malaysia has allowed us to take a break from the rat race,” says Mariana Page, thinking about her old life in Boston. Mariana says that she and her husband, Caleb “Always had the idea, dream, and intention to see what it was like to live elsewhere.” They traveled extensively from their home Read more...: A Family Makes Time for Each Other in Penang

Slow Travel in Malaysia, Malta…and Maybe Vietnam

Slow Travel in Malaysia, Malta…and Maybe Vietnam

“A few years ago, my brother had a severe health scare, and I realized that life is finite,” says Eric Hungerford. “Why wait until you have all the money in the world? That will never happen. Why not go now with whatever money you do have?” In 2017, Eric, 64, and Larisa, 47, attended an Read more...: Slow Travel in Malaysia, Malta…and Maybe Vietnam

Efficient, But Unhurried: Malaysia’s Modern Healthcare

Efficient, But Unhurried: Malaysia’s Modern Healthcare

When you think of an island in Southeast Asia, you probably think of beautiful beaches and coconut palms swaying in the breeze, but not world-class healthcare. I’ll admit, my husband, Mark, and I chose to move to Penang, in Malaysia, for a host of reasons, and none of them was healthcare. We moved here when we were 48 and 39 respectively, so major healthcare issues weren’t on our minds...

Loving Small-Town Life in Ao Nang, Thailand

Loving Small-Town Life in Ao Nang, Thailand

After visiting a friend in Ao Nang, in western Thailand on the Andaman Sea, J.D. Gruen decided he wanted to live by the sea for the first time in his life. “I love it here. I prefer small-town life, even with the busy tourist areas here. It’s friendly and everything needed is within reach: supermarkets, computer shops, electrical shops, many good Western (non-Thai) and Thai restaurants.”