Your New Life In 2005, Part IV

Your New Life In 2005, Part IV

I continued receiving e-mails from a good friend who was a resident of Cuenca. She was disappointed to hear that we’d decided on Mexico, and, after a good bit of nagging, she convinced me that a vacation in Ecuador prior to our move to Mexico would be a nice diversion. I brought the subject up with Julie: “Julie,” I said one day, “what do you think of a trip to Ecuador?” “I love the idea of living overseas,” she responded, “but you will NEVER, EVER get me to live in Ecuador.”

25 Things We Wish Someone Had Told Us Before We Moved Overseas

25 Things We Wish Someone Had Told Us Before We Moved Overseas

We fill these pages every month with tempting details of opportunities abroad. Places to visit...adventures to consider...ideas for fun and for profit. After 25 years covering this beat, however, we’ve accumulated considerable experience not only at all you might want to do in foreign locales...but also at things you might do well to avoid. For example:

Tips from Around the World

“Do not feed or molest the animals.” Believe me, I have no intention of going within sandwich-throwing distance of these animals. Along with monkeys and racoon-like coatis, the wildlife in Iguazu National Park includes jaguars. Being torn apart by spotted beasts with ravenous appetites...

Happy Birthday To Us—Celebrating A Quarter-Century Of International Living

Several things can destroy a marriage. One of them is building a house…another is moving overseas. You can see how that happens. Typically, if you move overseas as a couple, one of you integrates—learns the language, meets new friends, develops a new life, etc.--while your partner may feel left out or left behind. He or she may not like the new situation as much as you do. This can lead to stress for both. My wife...