January 2008 Issue of International Living
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In this issue: Find out where to invest your dollars in 2008. Read about a foreign invasion. We explain pioneer investing. And a new middle class is born
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The 2008 Quality of Life Index from International Living...
News from around the globe by International Living...
Wherever vines grow, life is usually pleasant. So no surprise that France heads IL’s latest Quality of Life Index. A first-class health care system...a culture that isn’t based on inane celebrity worship...food that’s fit to eat.
One of the largest expenses of owning an overseas property can be the cost of air travel to and from your home abroad. But with a little pre-planning and flexibility, you can end up paying a fraction of what you’d pay otherwise.
The world is my playground. I’ve always believed that. When I was a child, my parents would load us four kids into the brown Buick station wagon and take us on long-haul trips to places like the Black Hills, Yosemite National Park, the Great Salt Lake, Disneyland, and Knott’s Berry Farm. On a trip to California, I visited my first foreign country…a day trip to Tijuana, Mexico.
The world’s longest man-made structure—stretching more than 4,000 miles—China’s Great Wall also ranks among the World’s 100 Most Endangered Sites. Beyond its restored areas—those that are most-visited by tourists—hundreds of miles lie in disrepair. Volunteer vacationers are sought to help clean and rebuild sections of the wall where restoration projects are already underway.
A few weeks ago, I took a header into a low doorway and broke a 30-year-old cap off my front tooth. Our local friends recommended Dr. Jesus Sanchez, an aesthetic dentist here in Merida, Mexico, where I live. My wife Suzan made appointments for both of us since she needed some work done, too.
In the last 10 years I have authored numerous books and articles on offshore banking and visited bankers in many nations, including Panama, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. Based on my experience and knowledge of national laws and financial policies, there are certain nations that are well suited for locating your offshore bank account.
“Colombia? Are you crazy? They hate Americans, and if you ever have to fly into Bogotá, the murder rate is one in 100.” “Are you ignoring the government warnings? I’ll be reporting you to the proper authorities in the State Department!”