Spanish Delicacies, Panamanian Churches, and More

Spanish Delicacies, Panamanian Churches, and More

In many poor countries around the world, if something can muster up a pulse, it’s eaten—all of it. This used to be the case in Spain. Today, culinary tidbits like cock’s comb are rarely seen at the butcher shop, much less on dining tables. But other bits of animal anatomy still appear in classic regional dishes. Barcelona’s famous food market, La Boquería, takes its name from boq, meaning a sheep’s stomach—which may give some idea of what’s on offer. Here are some old-time specialties to try…if you’re up to it.

Hot Water, Etruscan Trails, and Scenic Towns in Northern Italy

Hot Water, Etruscan Trails, and Scenic Towns in Northern Italy

The Romans loved to lounge in hot water, so it’s no surprise that Italy today is littered with the remains of ancient bath complexes and mosaic-covered pools. One of their most revered respites was Saturnia, in modern Tuscany. Roman mythology says that Saturn, the wielder of lightning, threw down one of his bolts here and caused the hot water to flow. It hasn’t stopped since.