Fast Track Your Retirement Overseas Conference – Fund Your Life Add On Seminar


If you’d like a go-anywhere income you could take with you anyplace in the world you’d like to spend time… this seminar is for you. Portable-income expert Winton Churchill of Barefoot Consultants will show you how easy it really can be to turn skills you already have into income you can earn overseas.

This is a way to take the experiences, skills, and talents you have and put them online in a global marketplace. You’d be surprised at how you can turn what you already know into cash… once you understand how to find the people who are looking to pay you.

And that’s exactly what Winton will show you this April. If you like the idea of being in control of your own schedule… working only when and where you like… and earning doing something you enjoy, then consider this one-day add-on workshop.

This is a way you can fund an earlier retirement… create a financial cushion for yourself… stock your travel fund… or just use it as a way to stay busy and engaged overseas (and earn some income while you’re at it).

Plus it’s an opportunity that’s entirely on your own terms. No commute, no special training, no great technical expertise needed. And, in fact, Baby Boomers have an advantage.
This exclusive add-on workshop will be held on Thursday, April 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.* at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. Click here for more details.

*Times subject to change.