June 2008 Issue of International Living
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In this month’s issue: Abruzzo and Molise – Italy’s affordable Adriatic. Enjoy a luxury home for less than $100,000 in Brazil. Five ways to protect yourself from the falling dollar. Health insurance for $300 in Mexico
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In Mexico, both private and government-sponsored health care insurance plans are easily available—and both options are extremely affordable. And with doctors’ visits and common medical procedures in Mexico costing perhaps a fourth of what they do in the U.S., many expats just pay out of pocket.
At night, the moon reflecting in the mirror-like waters outside their window lulls them to sleep. Morning brings a slowly rising sun peeking through the Bayleaf Palms that line the shore. (Leaves from Bayleaf Palms were used for the thatch roofs on the four cabanas nestled in the jungle behind them.)
I have just returned from a two-week, 540-mile scouting trip along Brazil’s northeast coast. I had to see this place for myself, after hearing reports from my colleagues at International Living, Laura Sheridan and Eimear O’Driscoll, who traveled there in January to scout property deals east and west of the city of Fortaleza.
Here’s a fact: Most Americans don’t even know that the dollar has lost significant value around the world. Of those who know, most don’t care, since it has no obvious effect on their day-to-day finances.
For those who crossed Costa Rica off their list of potential retirement havens on the grounds that it’s too expensive, prepare to be surprised.
For the last 50 years, Americans have lived in sunshine. In 1989, our last rival—the communist Soviet Union—decided it was better to join us than to fight us; it decided that it would henceforth neither be communist, nor Soviet, nor a union.
Drink the good stuff. There’s no rewind on the play of life; we retirees should enjoy good wine and the good food that goes with it. Every day, as much as we can, provided we maintain our health and body.
Houses with B&B potential
Three special asset class sectors can help stabilize wealth during bear markets.